SICS, or Small Incision Cataract Surgery, is a surgical technique used to remove a cataract from the eye. It is an alternative to phacoemulsification, which is another commonly used technique for cataract surgery.

During SICS, a small incision is made in the eye, and a manual instrument is used to remove the cloudy lens. This is followed by the insertion of a folded intraocular lens (IOL) into the eye, which is then unfolded and positioned to replace the natural lens.

Compared to phacoemulsification, SICS involves a slightly larger incision and a longer surgical time. However, it may be a better option for patients who have severe cataracts, as it allows for the removal of the cataract in one piece, reducing the risk of complications such as lens fragmentation.

SICS is typically performed under local anesthesia, and most patients are able to go home on the same day as the surgery. After the procedure, patients will be instructed to use eye drops and avoid certain activities, such as heavy lifting and swimming, for a few weeks. They will also need to attend follow-up appointments with their surgeon to monitor their healing and ensure that their vision is improving.

Overall, SICS is a safe and effective option for patients with cataracts, particularly those with more severe cases. However, the decision of which surgical technique to use will depend on individual patient factors and the surgeon's recommendations.